2024 HCA General Meeting, 29-30 September, Milan
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23 May 2024

The next HCA General Meeting will take place 29-30 September in Milan, Italy and will also be livestreamed.

Please join us and actively contribute to building the next phase of the Human Cell Atlas.

The General Meeting will include plenary and small group discussions ranging from insights from the initial atlases to expanding HCA Atlas diversity and access. The working sessions will also explore strategies for cross-tissue data integration and annotation, and for incorporating spatial data into future Atlas versions.

To ensure the sustainability of this meeting, there is a registration fee for attendees, including session leaders and speakers. An Early-Bird discounted registration rate applies until the end of 30 June 2024. Please register at https://events.humancellatlas.org/2024GM

Registration fees are waived for researchers living or working in a Low- or Middle-Income Country (LMIC), as defined as LMIC by the World Bank. There may also be a limited number of travel stipends available to help these researchers attend in person.

HCA welcomes sponsorship inquiries for meetings. Please contact meetings@humancellatlas.org, if your organisation or funders are interested in being a sponsor for an HCA General Meeting.

For more information on the HCA General Meeting, please see https://events.humancellatlas.org/2024GM/home. We hope you can join us.