10:00: Welcome and the HCA OCBN: Ines Sequeira and Kevin M. Byrd (5min)
10:05: Introduction & Vision: Sarah Teichmann (20 minutes+5min)
10:30: What has been done so far (15+5min each):
- 1. Blake Warner — Title: “Applied single cell omics in salivary gland dysfunction”
- 2. Ana Gaetano (Sharpe Lab) — Title: “Mapping of human gingiva cell architecture via
integrated single cell and spatial transcriptomics”
- 3. Marcelo Freire — Title: “Manual and machine learning strategies to discover salivary
immune cells”
- 4. Drake Williams (Moutsopoulos Lab) — Title: “A human oral mucosal cell atlas reveals
a stromal-neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity”
11:30: Keynote Speaker (20 minutes+5min)
Purushothama Rao Tata — Title: “Collaboration, Discovery, & Advances from the HCA Lung Bionetwork”
11:55: Break
12:00: Horizon Presentations, Pt I (10 min+5min each)
- 1. Kevin M. Byrd — Title: “An integrated oral, nasal, and respiratory atlas of the
inhalation interface”
- 2. Anunya Opasawatchai — Title: “A glimpse into human dental pulp components and cellular communication through the lens of single-cell transcriptomics”
- 3. Kai Kretzschmar — Title: “Dissecting head and neck cancer using organoid technology and single-cell transcriptomics”
- 4. Lauren Katz McKay (White Lab) — Title: “Transcriptomic profiling of the craniofacial muscle stem cell population”
13:00: Break
13:35: Horizon Presentations, Pt II (10 min+5min each)
- 1. Ines Sequeira — Title: “Harnessing the healing potential of the oral mucosa”
- 2. Irit Zmora (Klein Lab) — Title: “The effects of smoking and vaping on oral epithelial regeneration”
- 3. Wan Jin Lu (Beachy Lab) — Title: “Tongue: an essential organ for survival and culture”
- 4. Sarah Pringle — Title: “Understanding the origins of salivary gland dysfunction in primary Sjogren’s syndrome and following checkpoint inhibitor use”
14:35: Break
14:40: Group Discussion: The Roadmap for a Complete Oral and Craniofacial Atlas (20min)
15:00: Wrap-up